Change Leads Into Gold With Our No Fee Credit Cards

Submitted by
Ela Woolger, Branch Manager
Members Alliance Credit Union
Rockton, Illinois

Product/Service Promoting: Customer Service

Theme: Science

Start Date: 08/01/2022
End Date: 08/31/2022

Slogan: Change Lead Into Gold With Our No Fee Credit Cards

Budget: $75-$100

Branch Goal: Branch goal was to get over 30 loans/Visa cc apps

Actual Results: 36 apps

Decorations Plan: We decorated the branch Mad science with being August and the kids are back into schools. Our Slogan was “Change PB (Lead) into Au (Gold) with our N (nitrogen) O (oxygen) FE (Iron) Credit Cards.

Special Attire: Lab coat

Branch Activity: Pretend to make candy for kids in the lab activity. Macuzar was our pretend out of space scientist (Macuzar in the pictures submitted)

Business Development Activity: Candy “made in the lab” giveaway from MACU scientists

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