Testimonial—Business Card

I have taken a lot from FSI training. The one major item I took away was that it gave me more confidence to approach individuals and have a conversation with them without feeling like I was a sales person. Now I feel as if I can hold a conversation about Reliant and feel confident that they are not thinking that I’m a sales person for Reliant. I felt so confident with the training that the day after the training I went out into Walmart, met 5 individuals and held a conversation with them about Reliant. I gave them my business card and just let them know that we were located in Walmart, our hours, and the activity that we had going on that day. Without the FSI training, I would not have been as confident. Everyday I try to go on at least two walks and try to “meet new friends.” Thank you so much for having the opportunity to go through the FSI training, I really enjoyed it.