Building the In-Store Team

Each individual In-Store Associate is a valuable player in the success of your In-Store Branch. Therefore, it is important to invest in each associate.

  • Know each associate’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Determine each associate’s value to the team.
  • Define how each responsibility fits within the overall mission of your financial institution and branch.
  • Continue to cross-train each In-Store associate in the following areas:
    • Product Knowledge
    • Operational Procedures
    • Business Development Skills
    • Public Address Announcement Techniques
    • Customer Service Excellence

Why an In-Store Branch Staff is Similar to a Basketball Team

Let’s start with a simple comparison: size. A basketball team has five members on the court at any one time. The average In-Store Branch Team often consists of 5 full-time equivalents. On a relatively small team, team members are reliant on each other to succeed. For it to be successful, each member of a basketball team must be able to accomplish many tasks: dribbling, passing, shooting, rebounding and playing defense. Not all team members will have the same amount of skills or experience at any one task as another team member. This does not mean that any one person is less important to the success of the team. Even teams with “superstars” are rarely successful without a well-rounded team. Also, a person who may have a weakness in one area can still add value to the team by utilizing his or her strengths in other areas. It is unlikely a team will win a game if only one or two team members ever shoot the ball… or if only two or three decide to play defense. What if nobody feels like rebounding today? It is clear to see that, while a successful team may have individuals with certain strengths and specialties, the overall success of the team is reliant on all team members performing the required tasks to the best of their ability.

Just like a basketball team, the In-Store team members will have a variety of skill sets. They will all be working toward the overall goal to make their branch successful. There are many expectations for each member such as performing daily operational duties, servicing existing customers, gaining new customers, as well as focusing efforts on business development activities. Therefore it is vitally important that everyone is performing the required tasks to the best of their ability and willing to develop skills they may be weak in.

Be an Ideal Member of the In-Store Team

You and your teammates are assembled and ready to meet the financial needs of the shoppers within your retail environment. However, the ability to serve one another as your customer is the key ingredient to a winning branch strategy. Consider the following:

  • Understand Your Role
    Everything you do, whether you are a frontline associate or the Branch Manager, impacts the success of your In-Store team. The attitude you convey as you approach your responsibilities can influence the tone of your entire team. Invest in each other, seek ways to assist with branch responsibilities, and look for new opportunities to connect with shoppers.
  • Highlight Each Other’s Strengths
    Provide feedback to your teammates on what you view as their strengths. Pointing out the positive in someone allows them to gain credibility amongst the team while you earn their respect. The effect is that your teammates will work harder to continue demonstrating their strong attributes.
  • Measure Progress
    Set benchmarks for progress both professionally and personally. Seek training opportunities to provide a stronger foundation for the team. Goals should be focused on the team as well as on the individual. Assist each other in becoming their best.
  • Make It a Team Effort
    Whether you are building the next promotion or participating in a store-wide fundraiser, make it a team effort. Gaining buy-in from your teammates is a critical step in the ideal team process. Allow everyone to voice their opinion and participate in the process of carrying out a particular task. When the project concludes, celebrate as a team.
  • Motivation Equals Loyalty
    Give credit for success to the team. Recognizing each other for their contribution sends a clear message that the team is the focus.
    Individuals who enjoy their job responsibilities and work environment are more loyal and more ambitious employees. Team longevity allows for stronger relationships with customers/members, retail partners, and shoppers.
  • Socialize as a Team
    Find opportunities to connect outside of work. While it cannot be made a mandatory activity, regularly scheduled social time allows teammates to connect and bond with each other. Investing in your associates on a personal level can pay dividends when times are stressful and goals are challenging.